Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Mekong Delta

Kids on the Mekong, originally uploaded by kathrynparry41.

Deciding to leave HCMC for Cambodia was a rushed decision that saw me book everything in a hurry and head for a boat trip down the Mekong Delta. After scrambling to organise a Visa for Cambodia and a re entry Visa for Vietnam I left with much haste.

I organised a 3 day tour to Cambodi through Madam Coc (pronounced Cock) hotel (yes I laughed too when i found out what MC stood for). Organised tourxs are not my preferred option but to navigate a complex network of rivers it is efficent and easier to coordinate and it allows one to relax a little knowing that asll you have to do is turn up.

The trip was to occur mainly by boat and take in some of the best scenery that southern Vietnam has to offer. It didn't disappoint.

On the way our tour guide told us that the 20 million people of the Mekong are amongst the friendliest in the whole country, how right he was. I was over joyed to watch the children wave and blow kisses from the shore their joy and happiness was catching. The river ride felt like the right way to leave Vietnam erasing the memories of Hanoi completly.

The tour winded it's way up to the Cambodian boarder where I purchased a visa and joined another boat.

The ride into Cambodia was long and treacherous, the rainy season showered us with mother natures delights and I took some magnificent photos of the storm on the red river.

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