Sunday, May 13, 2007


I caught a flight straight after work from Stanstead and arrived in Glasgow at about 10pm rushing into the embrace of Andy (an old Balmain flat mate).

Given I had not seen Andy in years (it must be about 5) it was amazing to see that nothing had really changed, we both laughed at the same things, joked and relived old times well into the wee hours (had to get that in). I adore that about old friends and have been so lucky to have had that reception from all of those that I have looked up on this current adventure. Thank you!

Andy had a plan and he was keen to impress on me all the wonderful things about Scotland … as if the accent and the men are not enough!!!

In accordance with the plan, the next morning we headed to Oban, home of some of the nicest scotch the world has ever tasted.

The train took about 3 hours and the scenery was stunning, for the most part I felt like singing Kate Bush at the top of my lungs… it really is like that, we took in loch after loch, mountain after mountain and it was hard to wipe the smile off my face. To pass the time, between gazing out the window in astonishment at the sheer beauty of the place, we completed a cross word with the help of an elderly couple who looked like they were still in love and well into their 70’s.

On arrival at whiskey town, we decided to explore and got as far as the Oban Inn before the heavens decided to open up and my desire form some scotch took hold. We stayed there till closing and pondered puns for this very blog- my favourite an Andy creation- Oban for Pissedness!

Next morning, we caught a ferry to the isle of Mull. When we got to the dock, we boarded a massive ship (a ferry cross between the PNO fairstar luxury liner) for the 45 min journey. I have never been on a boat that big- it takes cars, has an amusement parlor, restaurant and massive windows to allow the curious like KP to take in everything.


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